What Is Alcoholic Ketoacidosis? The Impact of a Buildup of Ketones in Your Blood

by wadminw on February 16, 2021

This can help mitigate potential side effects and support staying in ketosis. A 5-ounce glass of red or white wine typically contains 3-4 grams of carbs. Fat is the primary macronutrient in a ketogenic diet, typically comprising 70-80% of total daily calories. This high fat intake is necessary to provide energy and maintain ketosis. Drinking […]


Methamphetamine National Institute on Drug Abuse NIDA

by wadminw on February 16, 2021

Serum and brain endotoxin were measured using the Limulus Amebocyte Lysate QCL-1000™ (Lonza, Walkersville, MD) at 24 hrs after the last EtOH exposure as a measure of inflammation to EtOH alone that was present prior to and during the Meth injections. A subset of rats receiving ketoprofen during EtOH drinking were euthanized at the same […]


FIFO vs LIFO: Choosing the Right Inventory Valuation

by wadminw on February 11, 2021

However, when the more expensive items are sold in later months, profit is lower. LIFO generates lower profits in early periods and more profit in later months. The difference between $8,000, $15,000 and $11,250 is considerable. So, which inventory figure a company starts with when valuing its inventory really does matter. And companies are required […]


What is a Node in Networking? Functions And Types

by wadminw on February 08, 2021

It is the connection between different devices used for communication, and its purpose is to store, send and get data between devices (or nodes). A network node can be defined as an active endpoint device that is attached to a network, and is capable of creating, receiving, or sending information over the network. These nodes […]